Session 4


Trends and prospects for ESG financing in the mining industry


Achieving carbon neutrality in industrial production requires significant investment commitments from mining companies, financial and government institutions. Global climate initiatives stimulate the creation of new financial instruments and the development of taxonomy practices for green and adaptation projects. To enhance ESG financing of industrial transformation a widespread discussion is taking place on many levels. Credit institutions and stock markets are developing new criteria. Raising finance for green and adaptation projects helps companies to improve their ratings and increase market value. Companies are mastering responsible financing tools that allow them to raise funds for reducing climate change footprint and implement green projects e.g., waste management, energy, construction, transport, water supply, biodiversity, and environmental preservation.

Discussion themes

• Managing the value and costs of mining in the context of a green economy agenda and climate commitments.
• Development of sustainable and responsible financing in the mining industry - global and national experience.
• How does ESG financing help solve environmental problems in practice?
• Experience in financing sustainable development projects: building solar and wind power plants, purchasing electricity from suppliers with the lowest carbon footprint, investing in the construction of water treatment facilities and restoring the biodiversity of ecosystems.
• Performance evaluation criteria of ESG-funded projects.
• ESG finance for junior exploration companies.

Viktor Kovalenko
Partner, Head of Climate Change and Sustainability Services practice

15:30 - Role of Non-Environmental Factors in the ESG Agenda

Sergey Sidorkin
Social and Economic Policies of Regions Deputy Director on Socio-Economic Projects, PhD (Politics)
IMC Montan

Expert Panel
Aidar Kazybayev
Chief Executive Officer
AIFC Green Finance Centre

Akop Kagramanyan
Principle Banker Natural Resources
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

Jane Joughin
Corporate Consultant (ESG)
SRK Consulting (UK)

Georgiy Freiman
Public Association of Independent Subsoil Experts (PONEN)

Katya Gorbatiouk
Primary Capital Markets - CIS & Central Asia, Sustainable Finance Committee
London Stock Exchange

Assem Kernebayeva
Managing Director - Head of the Directorate for Green and Social Initiatives
Eurasian Development Bank