Said Sultanov


Aurora Minerals Group

Graduated from University College London (UCL) with a degree in Economics and Business. Said has 13 years of experience in Mining Sector. In 2006 started working career in Toronto, Canada at the advisory firm “BWI First Intelligence” overlooking m&a transactions in mining sector. In 2008 appointed as Regional Director of «Stans Energy Corp» Canadian junior mining company with rare earth mining assets in Central Asia. As part of the executive team, was responsible for the RTO on TSX-V and acquisitions of assets in Central Asia. In 2013 appointed Deputy Head of «Kazgeoinform», Kazakhstan’s government geological data center of the Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use rights. In 2014 appointed CEO of «KazGeotech» joint venture project of state-owned exploration company «Kazgeology» and «Geotech Ltd» Canadian airborne geophysical company. 01.12.2015 - founded Aurora Minerals Group.

Session 2
06 April 2022 / 11:00 - 12:30 | Sary Arka 1