Mikhail Tsypukov


Principal Geologist
SRK Exploration Services

Mikhail Tsypukov, Dr, FIMMM Mikhail joined SRK Exploration Service as a Principal Geologist at the start of 2010 and heads up the newly formed SRK Exploration Russia office and is based in Moscow. He has more than 20 years experience in exploration and mining projects across Asia and Europe. Mikhail has a strong academic background and has a Ph.D. on the geochemistry and mineral potential of komatiite formations and has been awarded several scientific and industrial research grants in both Russia and Europe. For the last 15 years Mikhail has worked as an Exploration Manager for a variety of Canadian, American and Mongolian exploration juniors predominantly in the Central Asia region. Mikhail is the author of several publications, reviews and reports and is specialized in exploration for PGE, gold, base metals, uranium and potash. He is currently based in Moscow coordinating SRK ES projects for Russian, Asia and CIS.

Business track - 6 April
06 April 2022 / 13:45 - 17:00 | Sary Arka 2

Mineral targeting and verification of results

SRK ES approach to mineral targeting on regional and camp scale. Algorithms of machine learning versus expert oppinion. Data requirements. Methods of verification and ranking of targeting resutls. Assessment of prospectivity vs exploration expenses. Project roadmap - when it make sense to continue exploration.