Konstantin Davkaev
Sinergo Soft Systems - partner of "1C"
A mining engineer by education and an economist in the management of mining enterprises. Has extensive experience in the IT industry. Worked in the banking sector, and headed the IT department of the Sibuglemet holding. In 2006, organised his own IT company "Synergo", where he is currently the CEO. Synergo has become a leader in software development for the mining industry in Russia. He is the ideologist of the development of the “1C: Mining industry” product line.
Integrated automation of planning and accounting at mining enterprises based on 1C:Enterprise software solutions
"1C:Mining Industry" solutions allows you to solve the problems of rationing, planning, accounting and analysis of the processes of inventory accounting, mining and technological transportation, processing, shipment by various modes of transport, equipment management, accounting for fuels and lubricants, quality management, the formation of metal and coal balances, accounting for the work of employees and payroll. Together with 1C solutions for repair management, industrial safety, ERP solutions and electronic document management, it allows you to create a comprehensive enterprise management system.