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Reid Geophysics
Tim Archer has worked as a commercial geophysicist for more than twenty-five years. He holds an Honours Degree in Geophysics from the University of the Witwatersrand and a Management Diploma from the University of Stellenbosch. Tim worked for Anglo American from 1994 to 2001, mainly with their SPECTREM airborne electromagnetic system. From 2004 to 2014, Tim owned and ran a geophysical contracting business in the UK, specialising in near-surface hazard detection. In 2014, he joined Reid Geophysics, where he provides gravity, magnetic and other non-seismic consultancy to petroleum, mineral and UXO explorers. Tim is an active member of EAGE, IAEG, PESGB and SEG. He is also a technical reviewer for Geophysical Prospecting and Journal of Applied Geophysics.
Дроны, DCIP и бурение: современная геофизика снижает риски разведки полезных ископаемых в Казахстане
Неинтрузивные геофизические методы являются экономически эффективным и экологически безопасным средством снижения риска разведки в региональном, локальном и перспективном масштабах. В ходе презентации будут представлены последние достижения в области беспилотных технологий, полевых методов и машинного обучения, в том числе примеры из проектов в Казахстане.